WBCSD Opens New Office in Wuhan to Accelerate Sustainable Transformation of Chinese Businesses

发表: 2024年3月21日
类型: 新闻

The World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) today announced the opening of a new office in 中国 against the backdrop of East Lake of Wuhan in the Hubei Province. WBCSD’s investment and commitment to support sustainable development in 中国 reflects the importance of the country, 无论是在本地还是在全球范围内.

The region of Hubei also has strategic significance in terms of transportation, 资源配置与中国经济, 本月重点介绍如下: 进出口102个.30亿元 在2024年的前两个月,上升了12%.同比增长7%. Five of the industries based there - optoelectronic information, 新能源/智能网联汽车, 生命与健康, high-end equipment and BeiDou satellite systems - are particularly influential and relevant to sustainable development, 无论是在中国还是在全球.

新办公室开业典礼, held earlier this week during the ‘Cherry Blossom Viewing: Business Cooperation & 财富500强与湖北对话活动, featured speeches from the Vice-chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese 人's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Erkenjiang Tulahong先生, WBCSD副主席, 夫人. 斯蒂芬妮·德·希尔. Mr. 乔Phelan, WBCSD亚太区执行董事, received the registration certificate from the leadership of the 湖北省公安厅. Stephanie expressed gratitude to Hubei Provincial Government, 湖北省公安厅, Hubei Council for the Promotion of International Trade (贸促会湖北), and other relevant entities on behalf of WBCSD.

在同一天, she also met with the Vice Governor of Hubei Province, 陈萍女士, 讨论一个即将到来的事件, “Two Lake Forum” proposed by WBCSD and 贸促会湖北, which will aim to form a new bridge for business collaboration on green industrial transformation.

三月初, 由彼得·巴克率领的代表团, WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官, visited 中国 to finalize plans for WBCSD’s presence and new office opening. “As the world is turning to businesses for sustainability solutions, WBCSD’s ability to promote sustainable development and collaborate across industrial and commercial sectors will expand our reach with our presence in Wuhan,巴克先生评论道. “We also anticipate that bringing together innovative technologies and working practices will provide more effective solutions for global challenges, 比如气候变化和自然损失.”

Mr. 周Weidong, who is the Chief Representative of WBCSD 中国 Representative Office, 相信,随着水务署的成立, it will continue to introduce advanced international sustainable development concepts and practices into 中国. 同时, it will also promote Chinese businesses to share innovative solutions from 中国 on the international stage and actively participate in promoting major international agendas.

贸促会湖北, 作为WBCSD在中国的核心合作伙伴, has provided substantial support for the opening of WBCSD's new office. 湖北省贸促会主任胡忠海说, “We believe in WBCSD's vision and development strategy, and hope to cooperate closely with WBCSD in the future. This should allow Chinese businesses to accelerate transformation towards sustainable development, strengthen capacity building and attract innovative sustainable development technologies to invest and develop in Hubei."

The WBCSD Hubei Office opening highlights Hubei's global position in green development. It will attract international resources to drive the province's green transformation, supporting high-level opening-up and high-quality development.

标签: 中国

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